© 2023 Wesley Memorial Methodist Church of Lake City, Inc.

Wesley Memorial Methodist Church
Welcome Wesley Memorial Methodist Church has been serving Lake City and the surrounding community for 63 years. The Wesley fellowship is living into its Mission Statement which is, “To love, glorify, and serve God, to make and nurture Christ’s disciples and to spread the good news of Christ’s redeeming power.” On December 15, 2023 Wesley Memorial Methodist Church of Lake City became a member of The Global Methodist Church. We are thankful to continue the Wesleyan Heritage along with the GMC, and we look forward to the extraordinary things that God has planned. We are a global church that recognizes and deploys the gifts and contributions of each part of the church, working as partners in the gospel with equal voice and leadership. Our witness to the world is marked by mutual love, concern, sharing, and a focus on those who are most vulnerable. We watch over one another in love and bear witness to the transforming power of the Good News as we humbly, but boldly, strive to serve others as ambassadors of Christ! Throughout the many Ministries of Wesley, we consciously measure our Mission Statement to ensure that we are acting upon its purpose. While we are not a perfect people, we are being shaped by the hand of God himself, making us into his image. We invite you to join with us in fellowship and to join us in discipleship with Jesus.
A Global Methodist Church 1272 SW McFarlane Avenue Lake City, FL 32025 (386) 752-3513